Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Kisses With a Cause Donation Button

This is the link for you to donate in order to get your kiss card! Once you sign in to PayPal, click "Add special instructions to Recipient" button and type in your first and last name and address to make sure I send this to your correct address (see sample below in red). Feel free to purchase as many as you'd like, each two-pack of cards is $5, shipping included! Repost and share! #KisseswithaCause #TeamInspire

Our goal is 500 *kisses* for each E3 member by February 1st.


If I could give the teenage girl 5 pieces of advice...

I'm a firm believer that one of the most rewarding things in life is to be able to put a smile on someone's face. 

Let's face it, the female teenage years are no pretty piece of cake. There are so many changes taking place that we can't keep up, and our emotions are going up and down faster than a roller coaster at Six Flags Magic Mountain. We beat ourselves up way too much over situations we can't control and are struggling to find out what our purpose is on this planet is. We all have something different to offer to the world. Some of us have been blessed with the gift of music, others writing, some of us have the ability to make people laugh...but the one gift that we've all equally been given is the ability to make someone smile.

In the past few weeks, I've been touched by so many young girls trying to find their place in this world. Their kindness is unbelievable. Each girl has nothing but kind words to speak and love to share, which is why I was so astonished to see how low levels of self-esteem were... I've had such an eye opening experience, I just want to be able to emulate that same feeling of love and appreciation that has been shared with me. I also want to make sure that girls know that I understand what they're going through. I'm a 17 year old girl, and trust me, I've had my share of feeling misunderstood. But I feel that it's so important for young girls to know that whatever they're going through, there is someone who knows exactly what they're feeling, and that they're going to make it out strong and wise.

My mom always told me, "The only person who can make you happy is yourself". I never really understood that until a few years ago. Like most young girls, I went through the phase of feeling unhappy with myself. I didn't like what I saw in the mirror. I wanted to be beautiful like the girls in Seventeen Magazine and have perfect skin like CoverGirl ads.I didn't understand how much my negative mindset altered my perception of myself. It wasn't until I started working out that I was able to find my inner peace. 

My first piece of advice to someone who's growing up and going through that battle of appreciating themselves is the same advice I give to my 13 year old sister. Treat your body with the utmost respect. My interpretation of that would be eating clean, cutting out unhealthy habits, exercise regularly, get enough sleep, don't do anything to intentionally harm yourself, etc. All of those things put together will not only get your body into great shape, but it will improve your mind and outlook. You begin to feel good on the inside and that radiates through.Your body works harder than you realize...if you treat it well, it treats you well! We're not all built the way we dream of looking, but that's okay. Soon, you'll learn to accept that we're not all going to look like Victoria's Secret models, yet we can still be happy with ourselves.

Second, change your outlook on life. There will always be a list of things that go wrong, but we have to learn to appreciate those things that go right. Without a few bad days, we wouldn't know what it's like to have a good day. 

"There's always a rainbow that follows the storm".
Third, take each and every morning that you wake up and be thankful that you're alive. Something I like to do in the morning, before my feet even hit the ground, is say thank you to God for giving me another opportunity to live. There are so many that have been denied this opportunity that we take for granted. Sometimes we don't think about that. Not everyone gets the chance to wake up in the morning. Lives have been wrongfully and unfairly taken, which is why we should appreciate ours while we have it. Life is what you make it, so make it beautiful.

My fourth piece of advice is very important. Know your self worth. Understand how special you are. We're all special and there are countless people in this world who care for us. Recently, I've witnessed many situations where girls are ready to end their lives because of words people have spoken to them. KNOW that those words are false. Anyone who puts anyone down, especially in efforts to end someone's life, should really re-evaluate how their actions are affecting others. Put yourself in their shoes for a minute. There is no reason, under any circumstances whatsoever, where that is acceptable. If you're a victim of this, I promise you that if there's at least one person that cares, it's me. Think twice about the outcome and who else it would affect if you were no longer here. We are all worth so much to so many and to each other. As a human, it's natural for us to wish our time away, "I wish it was the weekend already," but what we don't realize is that sometimes we would do anything to extend time by just a few minutes. When my grandmother was dying in the hospital, all we wanted was one more hour with her. "Just one more hour, please, God." She was a miracle, she only had a 15% chance of living, but she did it. This is why I hold God so close to my heart. I believe in angels. I believe in miracles.

My last piece of advice is something that I feel very strongly about...inspiring others and being inspired. Each of us have a purpose on this planet, and it's our duty to fulfill it in exchange for being granted the gift of life. Open your heart to being inspired. Allow the actions of others to better you as a person and drive you to create a positive world for yourself - and share that with the world. 

I believe in #TeamInspire with all my heart. There is so much good in the world, we just have to search a little to find it, but it's there. I promise you that. There's beauty in everything, from the sand to the sky.

My hope is to extend my love to everyone and let them know that I'm here, and I understand. Life isn't easy, it doesn't always turn out the way we expect it to, and we feel that luck isn't always on our side...but keep your head up, lovelies. It always gets better and we just get stronger. #TeamInspire 

xo Taylor

I came across this draft almost 3 months later...I remember starting the first 2 paragraphs and never finishing it. Glad I found it :) 

Kisses With a Cause

Valentines Day – #TeamInspire project.
 The goal is to raise as much money as possible for charity all while sending Emblem 3 your love and “kisses!” Here is how it works… when you donate a $5 minimum, you will receive a kiss card from me to you, and included there will be a blank Kiss card from YOU to Emblem 3. Send it back with your lipstick *kiss* and your name and address /message and we will deliver your *kisses*  directly to the boys on Valentine’s Day!
Our goal is to give 500 *kisses* to each boy and raise as much money for the “LOVE 146 Foundation” 

Love 146 is a foundation that supports victims of child slavery and raises awareness of human trafficking. This amazing campaign is looking to end child sex slavery and exploitation. By raising awareness and funding for this campaign, they build safehouses to give the value of life back to the victims of human and sex trafficking. "Awareness=Action; Action=Restoration," as said on the Dream Again Campaign website. Please, visit this website and support this cause - raise awareness.
*taken from an earlier blogpost*

In just a few days, I will be posting a link where you will be able to make your donations and put in your Names/Addresses! The cost will cover expenses for materials as well as postage, the remainder is given straight to Love146. 

#TeamInspire, you just never know what kind of love might come your way :) xo T

At a Dream Again Campaign/Love146 Fundraising Event