Thursday, December 29, 2011

This Is My Story.

I'm sitting at my desk on a beautiful Thursday morning, I've got my second cup of coffee in hand, my candle burning, and I'm thinking about how thankful I am to be alive.

It's crazy to imagine that 2011 is coming to a close, and in just 3 short days, we'll be welcoming the New Year in celebration. While celebrating Christmas by the beach this past weekend, I got to reflect on everything that's happened to me this year. There's nothing more peaceful than walks down the pier and sitting by the water...and just thinking. There's something so serene about the ocean in the morning, the calmness and beauty of the gentle just can't help but think about it all.

This year has truly been one of the best years I've ever had. I've experienced so many amazing things that 2 years ago, I never imagined could have been possible. There is a night and day difference between my life now and then. It's something that I've never really talked about on here, but I was suddenly inspired to give my story.

Ever since I was 11, I had a chronic medical illness that kept me from experiencing life as a normal kid. It was diagnosed and re-diagnosed multiple times, and in the end, the doctors were still not sure what it was. Basically, I was involuntarily unable to hold down any type of food. This would go on for months on end, and got to the point where I had no strength and could barely get out of bed. I wasn't able to go to traditional school so I had to start homeschooling, which was a really challenging adjustment. Throughout a 4 year period of time, I missed out on a lot of things that I used to enjoy, like show choir and competitions, football games, dances, and my friends. I didn't get to experience a lot that I wished I had, and there was definitely a bit of depression because of it. I sat there wishing I could be like everyone one else, and wondered WHY this was happening. Like the Jack Johnson song goes, I was there "Sitting, Waiting, Wishing" to be normal. At that point in my life, I never would have imagined that I'd be competing to be Miss California Teen USA two years later, happy and healthy.

I believe that everything happens for a reason. I feel that what I went through gave me more strength and confidence than I had before. It's amazing for me to look back and see the difference between then and now. I used to ask why this was happening to me, and now I ask myself, what if it HADN'T happened to me? I try to imagine how different my current life would be if I hadn't gone through that. Chances are it wouldn't be the same. I'm in a much better place than I was before, with a better mindset and a happier outlook. Even though it was one of the most difficult things I've had to deal with, I'm somewhat glad that I went through it and overcame it, because it makes me appreciate my life so much more. That's why this pageant has meant more to me than just a crown and a sash. It has given me the opportunity to experience life differently than I would have otherwise. It has allowed me to have fun and to learn about life and my individuality. I've discovered things about myself, such as what I want to do with my life in the near future and an idea of where I want it all to lead. My confidence level has risen drastically. I've encountered countless people that have inspired me to strive for the best. I've gained so many great friends and had experiences with them that have impacted my life. But most of all, I'm making memories that I won't ever forget. It makes me excited to imagine the future and think that I'll be able to look back at the memories and say, "Wow, 16 was a good year."

Every one of us has a story. We've all been handed situations that we didn't know how to handle, but with faith and courage, we managed to make it through. Life isn't easy, but everyday I'm learning that it's meant to be enjoyed. The uncertainty is what makes it thrilling, the struggles make us strong, the hard times teach us to appreciate the good times, and our experiences are what make us who we become. Our story started the day we were born, and up until the last page, we'll be writing it as we go. I can't wait to see what the future holds and what God has in store for me. Thank you 2011 for treating me so well. On January 1st, we'll be turning the page in our book, getting set for our new chapter in life: 2012, I'm ready for you. :)

xoxo T.

My new chapter is going to have a great start - the pageant is only 8 days away :) 

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

From Music, to Tea Cakes, to Celebrations...

Hey everyone! It's been awhile since I've updated my blog, and I'm just sitting here trying to push back having to finish my work for at least another few minutes ;) So I thought I'd do something productive! It has been such a busy few weeks! I've honestly never had this much to do in such little time. But I am loving every minute of it! A few weeks ago, I got to meet and have lunch with a few of the other girls from the pageant! It was so great meeting them, and I've already made some friends along the way. :)

But my first actual event being with the pageant was on Thursday, September 8th. If you are a fashion-lover, you might know what that date meant! For those of you who guessed Vogue's Fashion's Night Out, you are correct :) I was stationed at Melrose Avenue in Hollywood, along with a few of the other girls. We had such a great time walking up and down Melrose, visiting shops, and meeting people - the only downside of the night was the excruciating pain my feet were feeling thanks to my high heels and the not-so-soft-surface of the sidewalk. We were able to take part in some fun events, including picture flipbooks at Diane Von Furstenberg , photos with Smashbox Cosmetics at Fred Segal, and more photos at Betsey Johnson. Each store was having their own individual event, but one of my personal favorites was the live music being performed at a store called Original Penguin's. The girls and I were fortunate enough to meet the two artists that were playing that night: Chris Arena and a band called Native June. I have been leaning towards both of them as my music preferences at the moment. Can't tell you how much I enjoy listening to them! I highly recommend you check their stuff out, I will link their Facebook & Twitter right here: Chris Arena's Facebook Page , Chris Arena's Twitter, and Native June's Facebook Page , Native June's Twitter. Show them some love!

This last Saturday, I had two events on the side. If you are or have been a Burbank resident, I am SURE you know of Martino's Bakery and their famous tea cakes! They recently redecorated their bakery and redid their logo. The place looks awesome! To celebrate, they had a "Brand Re-Opening" to celebrate. It was so much fun. We had Burbank's Neighborhood Rock School and a few of their wonderful bands performing! I will link the photos here. Thank you to Martino's for having me, and love the new look!

This last Sunday was the 10th Anniversary of 9/11. In commemoration of this, the city of Burbank held a memorial service to honor those heroes who risked their lives for others, and also, for those who didn't make it. They had contacted me and invited me to speak. It was such an honor to be able to go up there and give a speech, and to be included with some very influential people. The Mayor of Burbank, Mayor Jess Talamantes spoke, along with Congressman Adam Schiff, and Father Vazken Movsesian. Each gave an amazing and heartfelt speech, even earning a standing ovation. This was probably one of the most nerve wracking experiences I've had, since it was my first time speaking in front of a group of people that large. But I am so very honored to have been included, and am very thankful for the opportunity.

On Monday was the Miss Universe Viewing Party held at the W Hotel in Hollywood. Congratulations to Miss Angola (and now Miss Universe!), Leila Lopes on winning. Each contestant was beautiful and if only they had 89 crowns to give to give each of them....They are each very strong and influential women, and congrats to them for making it as far as they did. Our own Miss USA, Alyssa Campanella, looked amazing! She made it to the top 16 finalists, which is incredible! According to the Miss Universe Organization, this was the hardest group of girls they've ever had to decide on. I'm so happy for them all! It was amazing being able to attend the viewing party and to see so many previous Miss Universe's, including the very first Miss Universe ever, Armi Kuusela winning in 1952. These women are all inspirations to me, especially seeing them in person, as it reminds me that it is possible to achieve your dreams if you chase them.

I'm so very thankful to be a part of this experience, and am very excited to see what else is to come. Remember to check out Chris ArenaNative JuneNeighborhood Rock School, and Martino's Bakery. For constant updates, don't forget to "like" and share my Facebook Fan Page  and follow me on Twitter @ TaylorMRidge. Thank you so much for your continuous support, it means so much! Hope everyone is having a beautiful day!

xoxo T.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Elle and Blair Meetup! :)

Wow, today was such an exciting day! I went to Elle and Blair's Meetup at the Beverly Center for the launch of Cellairis by Elle and Blair. There was such a huge turn out, so happy to see so many people come out to support them.

After looking at the huge line, (and being in a bit of a time crunch) I decided to just run up really quickly and drop off their little 'thank you' gifts and say a quick, "Thank you for the post!". So I went up to where they were sitting before they had started greeting people, and just then, Blair turned around and saw me. She got up and walked over, and I started to introduce myself and she exclaimed, "I know EXACTLY who you are!!" and gave me a big hug, then walked around the rope to where I was. Elle followed after, and we all got to talking. It turns out that they had not yet begun to start greeting people, and we're just getting ready to start! It was so sweet of them to take a few minutes to talk to me before they had started - I really appreciated it! I then gave them each their little gift boxes and thank you cards. After a few more minutes of talking, they were sweet enough to let me get a picture in! I didn't want to take up too much of their time, but thanked Blair and Elle again for the post on their website
and who knows? You may even see something else on soon ;)
But over all, it was such a great experience meeting these two gorgeous young ladies. They were truly two of the sweetest girls I've gotten to meet, and I'm so thankful for all of their help and support. Be sure to visit and Cellairis by Elle & Blair and support these two glamorous girls in all that they are doing! Also, be sure to check out their amazing phone cases! They are beautiful!

Hope everyone is having a fabulous day!

xo T.

don't forget to "Like" my Facebook! TaylorMarieRidge
& follow me on Twitter! TaylorMRidge

Monday, August 22, 2011

What a Wonderful Week :)

I want to start this off by saying, this past week and a half has been amazing! I feel so blessed to have so many family members, old friends, and new friends supporting me in my endeavor. If it weren't for all the amazing people in my life, I wouldn't be where I am today. To each and every person that has helped me along the way - you are amazing!

So many exciting new pieces of news to share with you all! Starting off - As of this last Friday, I am OFFICIALLY representing Burbank, CA in the Miss CA Teen USA pageant!! So absolutely exciting, I can't tell you what a great honor it is to be able to represent my home town. Go BURBANK!
My next order of business: Thank you so SO much to Hayley (HayleyisTCB on YouTube) for including me in this video that she made. Can't tell you how thrilled I was to see this. I feel so honored that she took her time to help support me and my causes (the Dream Again Campaign and Love 146). I knew I wanted to email her because I remembered the video that she posted on a campaign that she holds near and dear to her heart, the No H8 Campaign, which supports freedom and 
equal rights among all people, and ultimately hopes to overturn Proposition 8 - giving freedom for same-sex marriages. Hayley is passionate about this campaign, and as she said in the video, it's nice to see someone else who shares a love for a passionate cause. I have been a HayleyisTCB/TresChicBeauty fan for EVER. I'll have a video of a contest entry that I did for her TresChicBeauty 1 year contest linked here (kind of embarrassing to look back on now...oh well!). Many of you might have already seen this, but if not, definitely watch Hayley's video! It will be linked above. So, a HUGE thank you to Hayley and all the wonderful people who have helped support me, I can't tell you how much I appreciate each and every one of you! Go check Hayley's YouTube and "like" her Facebook Page. Show her the same support that you all showed me! :) She's a gorgeous, sweet, hilarious, and talented girl, and deserves lots of love!

Something else along the same lines: Early this morning at around 7 AM, I awoke to about 20+ emails on my phone. This is way out of the ordinary, considering I only get about 7-10 emails from the time I go to bed to the time I wake up in the morning (consisting of newsletters and daily updates on websites)... which is why you can probably imagine that I freaked out when I saw this. I received an email update from, with the title of, "Sparkle & Shine: Dream Again With Me" along with numerous FacebookYouTube, and Twitter emails!!
Blair was kind enough to post a blog entry on me and my causes, which I will link right here for you all to read. Although I had known about this for a few weeks, I wanted to keep quiet until it went live! Surprise!! But this morning, I just couldn't contain my excitement any longer and had to go expel my nervous/excited energy SOMEHOW, so I found myself on the treadmill at the gym by 8 AM, which is very out of the normal for me ;). By the time I got home, my Facebook Fan Page numbers had increased by over 100 from what they had originally been the night before. Blair is such a sweetheart and I want to thank her SO much for her support and help in my journey as well as my causes. Thank you, Blair and Elle!!

I am now up to 655 Fans as of 11 PM on August 21. This is so exciting, and so surreal! My page has been shared all around the world, which I never in a million years thought could happen. First, it started off across the United States, which is amazing in itself. But soon after, people started telling me that they were from all these different countries! I absolutely LOVE getting messages from people in different places - it's amazing to see the positive impact that the internet can bring. Let me know where you're from on my wall!! But in the end, this is not about me. It is about spreading awareness and knowledge to help save these children from exploitation and the horrors that they're faced with. Remember to check out the Dream Again Campaign and "like" their page on Facebook as well! Those children are the sole reason that I am doing this.

If you have read this far down, thank you for bearing with me. :) I just wanted to make sure I got all this info out right now!

During the last two months, I have discovered some pretty great music. All of which are out of my normal John Mayer/Keith Urban/Lady Antebellum preferred music range, yet I somehow love them all! First off, I discovered this amazing band called Forever The Day not too long ago. Hands down, one of my favorite bands ever! I was lucky enough to get to see them perform live at the Roxy Theater in Hollywood, CA last month. Their performance was amazing!! I could hardly control my excitement. As if that wasn't exciting enough, I got to personally meet each one of them after the show! The band consists of four amazing members, two of which, you've probably seen on the ABC Family show "Make It Or Break It," (one of my all time favorite shows!) Johnny Pacar and Cody Longo. Along with them, you've got the incredible Adam Jensen and amazing Jason Ywahu. I can't even begin to tell you how talented these guys are, and how much kindness each of them exudes. If you have not yet listened to them, you should definitely check them out! Amazing!! If you're interested in reading about my experience watching/meeting them, check out their amazing fan site Forever the Day Fan Site and read about it there! (As a side note: I actually found out about the Dream Again Campaign through Johnny Pacar on Twitter a few days after I met them! So thankful that I did). I can honestly say that these guys were my lucky charms. The day after I met them, amazing things started happening. Starting with being invited to participate in the Miss CA Teen USA 2012 pageant, and continuing from there - the good luck has not died down! Again, I feel so blessed for all these opportunities that have risen.

Next is Persian Bach. Definitely be sure to listen to this music! This is some jazz with a twist. Share some love and listen to his music! He's absolutely great!

Last but not least, if you are a rock fan, be sure to listen to When Paradise Falls. They are a great, stemmed-from-Burbank band! "Like" their Facebook Fan Page here!

That about concludes my music picks for the month, be sure to listen to their music and check out the sites listed above!! Along with that, check out this awesome blog, La Mode! She was sweet enough to write a post on me and what I'm doing. You can read that here. Also, follow her on Twitter @LaMode011. Thank you for that, girl! :)

Now, I must conclude this [extremely] long post with a Thank You. For each person that has "liked" my page, written on my wall, spread the word, thought kind thoughts, and said a prayer for luck - you are all amazing. Each and every person has made the world of a difference to me, and I want you all to know that. Each 'thank you' comment or message that I write, please know those two words are said from my heart. I don't just say them with empty meaning behind them, but with the utmost appreciation and gratitude, and I wanted everyone to know that. Each person in this world can make a difference, and IS currently making a difference to all people - and to those who are suffering. Without having faith and each other, we would be no where. Each of your messages MAKE my day.

All the positive responses, supportive words, and "happy birthday's" have already made the best Sweet 16 present a girl can ask for. Thanks a million guys!

As I finish this, the clock turns 12:01 and it is officially my birthday! Please continue to spread the word about my page and the Dream Again Campaign. I still need 9,445 more "likes" by January! Share the love and help me in getting there! :)

You are all incredible.

xo T.

Don't forget to follow me on Twitter, TaylorMRidge
Subscribe on YouTube, get2Glam
and "LIKE" my Facebook, TaylorMarieRidge

Thursday, August 4, 2011

This must be my lucky-birthday month...Hello August :)

Hey guys! This week has been pretty exciting so far. I've been reaching out to businesses in my area, telling them about what I'm doing and who I'm supporting, and the feedback has been nothing but the best! It really helps motivate me even more, knowing that I have my community's support. I got to meet so many great people yesterday, and I hope to be able to work with them in the near future. 

I also got my first sponsorship this week! Thanks to the wonderful Consolidated Design West - CDW, they've already helped me get past my half-way mark! If you are in the Southern California area and are looking for quality printing, packaging, displays, and advertisement, check out their site and give them a call. They're known for their amazing reputation and customer service, and you won't be disappointed. Thank you so much, CDW! I'm so thankful for their help and support.  

Along with that, I was offered a few really exciting opportunities yesterday that I can't wait to share - Starting with a total revamping of the Original Martino's Bakery. If you live in the Burbank area and have yet to go to Martino's, you are missing out! You have not lived until you've had one of their legendary teacakes! You can expect to see that the week of September 6th-10th, 2011. It's going to be the new "IT" place for teens. What else could be better than an unlimited supply of sweets?! Daily events for that week will be announced soon. :)

I've got a few things that I'm particularly excited about, and I'll drop a few hints ;) I will be teaming up with the Dream Again Campaign to help raise awareness for human trafficking, which is probably one of the most exciting pieces of news I've gotten, thus far. Updates on that will be coming soon! Until then, new pendants will be launching this Friday, 08/05/11! If you're interested, make sure to check those out come Friday. All of the profit goes straight to the Love 146 foundation that supports the victims of human slavery. If you want to find out how you can support these campaigns, check out the Dream Again Campaign & Love 146.

Speaking of the Dream Again Campaign....I have a wee-bit of an obsession with makeup (I promise, there's a connection between this story and the campaign!). This little obsession of mine started out about 3-4 years ago, from watching beauty and makeup how-to's on YouTube. Two of my all time favorite guru's are Elle and Blair Fowler (AllThatGlitters21 & Juicystar07). Which is why you can probably imagine my excitement when I saw this! 

I must admit, this was an "OMGHHKP" moment, for all who watch Blair (JuicyStar07)  :)
These young ladies are so incredibly talented, and I'm so happy for their recent successes. Their website/blog Elle & Blair, pieces in Seventeen Magazine, a Teen Choice Award (I've been voting every day!)?! I'm so happy to see that they've been able to reach the point of success that they're at now, and I wish them nothing but the best! But that's all I'm going to say for now, you'll just have to read my next few posts for more exciting news. ;)

That's about it for now! Remember to check out my Facebook: Taylor Ridge - Miss California Teen USA and my Twitter (which is also posted on the right-hand side): TaylorMRidge. Remember to check back weekly (or more often) for updates. I had quite a long, busy day today - driver's training, school, gym & training, emails, Facebook messages, blogs! Oy vey....this is that time of the day where my nice, comfy bed sounds very welcoming. Goodnight, moon. :) Sweet dreams!

xoxo -T

Thursday, July 28, 2011

You can't just wait for your dream to fall in your lap, you've gotta chase it.

Hey guys, my name is Taylor. I'm a sixteen year old girl from Southern California who has an adoration for all things beauty...which would probably lead to you to believe that naturally, I also enjoy beauty pageants. Just last week, I applied for the Miss California Teen USA pageant and I was invited to compete in the 2012 competition! I figured that by writing this blog, I would be able to have a written account of my journey through the next six months, from the very beginning to the end. And who knows? Maybe I'll even gain a follower or two. ;) or maybe I'll be the only one who reads this, but eh, that's okay too.

I recently stumbled across the latest Miss USA, Alyssa Campanella, through Seventeen magazine. After looking her up on Google, I was led to the Miss USA website. After some browsing around, I saw the "Apply Now!" button up at the top. Curious, I clicked it and read further - and what do you know?! There was a teen competition, with my age falling perfectly into the age range. I thought to myself, "What do I have to lose?" so I submitted my picture and information. I got an automated response a few minutes later that said, "Thanks for submitting, we'll email you in a few weeks if we are interested." I thought, "Okay sure, I don't expect to hear from them but I still put myself out there." Then, mind you - not even 48 hours later and much to my surprise, I received a phone call from the Donald Trump Miss USA Organization saying that they were interested in a phone interview!! That eventually led to a face-to-face interview the very next day. After being at the location for 5 hours already, I had my one-on-one interview. By the end, I was invited to compete in the competition! I now get to compete against about 100 other girls in January 2012. I am so incredibly thankful for being given this opportunity and hope to be the absolute best that I can be. Not to mention all the fun to be had along the way!

Another amazing aspect of the competition (probably my favorite part!) revolves around charity. At the end of the competition, the winner gets to donate a certain amount of money to the charity or cause of her choice. We were each asked what charity/cause we would like to support/donate to at the interview. Not even a week ago, I discovered the Dream Again campaign ( Dream Again Campaign ) that works hand in hand with Love 146 ( Love 146 ). Although it officially launches August 2nd, 2011, I still knew that this was the cause for me to support. Dream Again and Love 146 are supporting victims and trying to raise awareness for human trafficking. These amazing campaigns are looking to end child sex slavery and exploitation. These children lose their ability to dream, and they think they have no worth in this world - but they are worth everything. By raising awareness and funding for these campaigns, human trafficking will be put to rest, once and for all. "Awareness=Action; Action=Restoration," as said on the Dream Again website. Each and every one of those children deserves to dream again. Please, visit these websites and support this cause - raise awareness.

"Be the change that you want to see in the world."

-Mohandas Gandhi

So, please check out my Facebook FanPage ( Taylor Ridge Miss California Teen USA 2012
 ). I promise you, this isn't an act of narcissism. Facebook Fan Pages are a requirement - we've got to get to 10,000 fans by pageant time in early January. Can you help me get there?! :)
Also, my Twitter is linked on the right-hand side (TaylorMRidge). Follow me, tweet me!

As for now, at 2 AM, I believe I should be getting to bed. I've got a long day of looking for sponsors tomorrow :) Thanks for reading, and expect weekly updates! 

xoxo -T